Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our First Post

Greetings Patriots!
    Conservative blogging has always reminded me of the circular letters which I think started in Massachusetts in the 1760s and 1770s to inform patriots of that time of the important issues and events which eventually led to the Revolutionary War.
    We are starting this blog on the Sons and Daughters of Liberty in the prayerful hope that we will be able to inform patriots at this important time in our country's history of many issues and events which confront us.
    We have many fantastic, intelligent people in our steering group.  It is my hope that I will not be the sole contributor to this blog.  James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton all wrote under the pseudonym "Publius" in the Federalist Papers (a series of articles explaining and promoting the ratification of our present Constitution).  While not trying to elevate our blog to the Federalist Papers, the issues we will be writing about are just as important as those confronting our great country a couple hundred years ago.
    I am the "War Eagle."   A dear friend of mine gave me that nom de guerre over 25 years ago.  I believe that we indeed are on a war footing now - a war to return our country back to its moral and Constitutional roots as well as its God-given love of personal and national liberty which has allowed the freedoms we currently enjoy.  This liberty we love is also the object of a not so subtle effort from the collaborative might of domestic enemies in Washington, DC, as well as Indianapolis and some even here in Jefferson County to relieve us of most if not all our liberties. 
    We want to appeal to the best thinking of our readers as well as stimulate constructive discussion in this battle in the domestic war against socialism, soft tyranny and governmental intrusion.
    We also want to rally those folks who think they are actually doing something when they forward a forward of a forward.  We want to rally those people to actually join the cause of liberty rather than sitting on the sidelines of history. 
    The election of 2010 heralded the beginning of a great reformation that will take America back for liberty.  We will not rest in our vigilance to keep our elected officials from spending monies we don't have, for things we don't need.  The premise of "If we don't spend it, somebody else will." continues to be wrong and morally reprehensible, whether we find this in national, state or local government.
    This blog is in addition to our radio programs, town hall meetings, roundtables, open air events and anything else we can think of to harass, confound and confuse the enemy who would subjugate "We, The People."
    All of our writing will be in keeping with the purposes of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty:
•    The public validation of the concepts of Liberty; Freedom; Smaller, Less Intrusive Government; and, the United States Constitution.
•    The provision of a public forum for the free and rich exchange of ideas.
•    To raise awareness of corruption in government.
•    Not cease our relentless pursuit of those elected officials who have betrayed their oath or affirmation of office.
    God bless and keep you, our readers, and God bless this the greatest country in the world!
In freedom (still),

The War Eagle

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