We also wanted to share the following Letter to the Editor (which hasn't quite made it into our liberal local newspaper ... it just doesn't quite meet with Jane and Elliot's "bipartisan" dogma). Bud validates what we Patriots are doing.
To the Editor:
I keep hearing from Harry Reid and his ilk that the Tea Party is dying out and it is finished. I hear from racist trash like Maxine Waters that we can `go to hell.' But I have news for them. We are not going anywhere. The reason they do not see a lot of the Tea Party Patriots, is that we work. We are not lazy, cradle-to-grave welfare freeloaders. We are not part of the 40% of the country who consider lying on the couch, watching TV and waiting for a check in the mail, to be a job. The Tea Party is not made up of rent-a-mobs paid by the Democrat party or thugs hired by the unions. In other words, we are not typical Obama voters. Patriots who make up the Tea Party groups around the country get up in the morning and go to a real job. They work for a living and pay taxes. We do not have time to be paid professional protesters for the Democrat party.
My wife, her sister, our granddaughter and I went to the 9/11 event in Washington, DC. I had to arrange my workload in order to close my picture frame shop for three days. They had to request days off or use vacation days in order to go. We paid for our own bus tickets, hotels, meals and all other expenses with our money. We did not get paid to go, get free buses, free meals, and have someone pass out professionally printed signs for us to carry around as we got off the bus. I watched a reporter ask a protester at a Democrat party mob event, to explain what his sign meant. It did not make any sense. He replied that he did not know what it meant, they just told him to carry it. That is typical dedication to a liberal cause.
While we were in DC, the police and Parks Department officials told us they estimated the crowd to be 1.5 to 1.7 million. With that many people, we left the Mall cleaner than when we arrived. We cleaned up our trash and left the place spotless.
A rent-a-mob event was held soon after and less than a tenth the number of paid protesters showed up. After that event, the area looked like a bombed out war zone. The human sewage that comprises these rent-a-mobs take no pride in their country, and have no respect for decent people. They live off of working people's money. They do not pay for anything, so they do not take care of anything.
I might add that with 1.7 million Patriots in DC, there were no arrests or incidents. The only negative thing was from Democrat party infiltrators along the sidelines, displaying racist Obama signs. Of course the only people paying any attention to them were from the media, so they could report on their `newscasts' that the event was racially motivated. And that was what we saw when we watched the TV coverage at our hotel that evening, even on O’Reilly (who claimed that there were about 70 thousand people in attendance).
Clowns like Reid talk about the `big money' or the `millionaires' behind the Tea Party. That may sound good when talking to fools, but any one with an IQ higher that a cow flop knows that there is no big money behind the Tea Party movement. People like us who make up the Tea Party pay our own way. We may chip in $5 or $10 at an event to help cover the expenses involved. We do it because we love America and unlike Obama, we are proud of our country. We do it because we are not going to sit by and watch a socialist president and his merry band of tax cheats destroy the U.S.A. So when the next election comes around, Prince Harry can be assured that he will hear from the Tea Party Patriots . We will be there when it counts.
Bud Callaway
Madison, IN
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